
nonattendance. Please refer to the Pitt County Schools website for a list of the valid lawful reasons for temporary nonattendance.


Tardiness to school and class is a disruption to school process. Each school shall have

procedures regarding how tardiness is handled, which shall be made known to the parents

and students through the school handbook. Repeated tardiness is a violation of the Code of

Early Dismissal

Early dismissal or pick-up from school and class is a disruption to school process. Each

school shall have procedures regarding how early dismissal is handled, which shall be made

known to the parents and students through the school handbook. Repeated tardiness is a

violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

Required Attendance for Students in Grades K-8

Students are required to be in attendance at least 160 school days to receive required credit.

Any exception to this policy shall be ruled on by the principal.

Parents who are denied an exception may appeal the decision to the Board of Education.

Requests for a board hearing must be received in the Superintendent’s office no later than the

fifth business day after grades are reported.


(NCGS 115C-378)

The parent, guardian, or custodian of a child shall notify the school of the reason for each

known absence of the child, in accordance with Pitt County Schools' policy.

Whenever a student has accumulated three unlawful absences in a school year, the principal

or his/her designee shall notify the parent, guardian or custodian of the child's excessive

absences. After not more than six unlawful absences, the principal or his/her designee shall

notify the parent, guardian or custodian by mail that he/she may be in violation of the

Compulsory Attendance Law and may be prosecuted if the absences cannot be justified under

the established attendance policies of the state and of Pitt County Schools.

After ten accumulated unlawful absences in a school year, the principal shall review any report

or investigation prepared under NCGS 115C-381 and shall confer with the student and his

parent, guardian or custodian if possible to determine whether the parent, guardian or

custodian has received notification pursuant to this section and made a good faith effort to

comply with the law. Depending on the circumstances, the principal must then notify the

District Attorney (accomplished by filing warrant with magistrate) or file a complaint with the

juvenile intake counselor.