In the United States, the Age of Consent is the legal age at which an individual is considered mature enough to consent to sex. Sexual relations with someone under the Age of Consent are considered statutory rape, even (in some jurisdictions), if both partners are themselves younger than the Age of Consent.
Age Of Consent:
16 years oldThe legal age of consent varies from 16 to 18 years old from state to state across the United States. In some states, a "close in age exemption" exists to decriminalize consensual sex between two individuals who are both under the age of consent.
State | Age Of Consent | Has Close-In-Age Exemption |
Alabama | 16 | Yes |
Alaska | 16 | Yes |
Arizona | 18 | Yes |
Arkansas | 16 | Yes |
California | 18 | No |
Colorado | 17 | Yes |
Connecticut | 16 | Yes |
Delaware | 18 | Yes |
District of Columbia | 16 | Yes |
Florida | 18 | Yes |
Georgia | 16 | No |
Hawaii | 16 | Yes |
Idaho | 18 | No |
Illinois | 17 | No |
Indiana | 16 | Yes |
Iowa | 16 | Yes |
Kansas | 16 | No |
Kentucky | 16 | No |
Louisiana | 17 | No |
Maine | 16 | Yes |
Maryland | 16 | No |
Massachusetts | 16 | No |
Michigan | 16 | No |
Minnesota | 16 | No |
Mississippi | 16 | Yes |
Missouri | 17 | No |
Montana | 16 | No |
Nebraska | 16 | No |
Nevada | 16 | No |
New Hampshire | 16 | Yes |
New Jersey | 16 | Yes |
New Mexico | 17 | Yes |
New York | 17 | No |
North Carolina | 16 | Yes |
North Dakota | 18 | No |
Ohio | 16 | Yes |
Oklahoma | 16 | Yes |
Oregon | 18 | No |
Pennsylvania | 16 | Yes |
Rhode Island | 16 | Yes |
South Carolina | 16 | No |
South Dakota | 16 | No |
Tennessee | 18 | Yes |
Texas | 17 | No |
Utah | 18 | Yes |
Vermont | 16 | Yes |
Virginia | 18 | Yes |
Washington | 16 | No |
West Virginia | 16 | No |
Wisconsin | 18 | No |
Wyoming | 17 | No |
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If you are a victim of sexual assault or statutory rape, call the 24-hour RAINN help hotline at 800-656-HOPE